Awareness Begins Within

Who are you? Wait- before you answer that, from who’s perspective are you answering? Are you the person that your friends make you out to be? Or perhaps you are who your parents have always told you to be. OR- more than likely, are you who one of your many social networks have claimed you to be? No, this is not the person I am interested in. I want to know who YOU are. Do you really know? 

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Have a Good day Every day

Ho hum... Sigh... A long faced gaze gets followed by a slow moving body toward the tasks or lack thereof for the day. Usually you can wake up charged; greet the day with motivation to conquer and continue on your life's great journey. But today just seems to be one of those days. A ho hum day that will not be shaken easily.

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Act like You've been There

Today, we bring new meaning to the term "act like you've been there." As many competitors, entrepreneurs, and winners have seen, it is often far easier to act like we have been there, standing in the throes of glory because well- we have. And to anyone reading who has not often felt much like a winner, perhaps you have consistently tried and failed or never given much of an effort at all; you will see, that it is still in your very best interest to act like you've been there nonetheless.

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Relax, just do it

Perhaps your blissful moment happens on vacation with a pina colada in reaching distance and a a tropical breeze lulling you into ecstasy. Maybe these moments are found in a truck bed turned lux bed you are sharing with a loved one as you gaze up to count the shooting stars in the night sky.  It is in these moments that we become greater.

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Time To Increase Your Frequency

“Wake up on the wrong side of the bed?” or “down in the dumps?” Perhaps a “case of the Monday’s?…” However you chose to label it; don’t you just want to get over it as fast as you can?Life is often unpredictable, hell, Life is often down-right rude! There will always be a wrench ready to get thrown in the spokes of your reality, and sometimes when you are down Life just keeps finding ways not to let you up. So, then I wonder… are you the conductor of your life or just a victim in it? I believe that there is one way to answer this question, and in answering it correctly, you will be allowing yourself to take the most important step in the endless journey of “increasing your frequency.”

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