Let the Soul Heal the Body


The human experience has two parts to it. The physical energetic part, and the unlimited soul part. The soul consciousness occupies the physical body and we have the human experience as we know it. Or at least some variation of that explanation.

The physical energetic body requires physical fuel to function healthily. Most of this fuel we come by naturally, the body is an excellent healer if we allow it to be. Just add good food and water, and stop functioning for a while when the physical body requires sleep.

The unlimited soul part requires a much different type of fuel. To remain healthy the soul must fill up its tanks with things like deep human connection, meaningful time spent in nature, and peaceful quiet times of meditation. The unlimited soul, however, is far more resilient than our limited physical bodies.

So, why do we race to heal the human by focusing on the body and leave little care to healing the soul?


At this point, you may be saying "But, I pray daily!" or, "I get reiki every week" or, "I spend time in the deepest forests"  and "I still don't feel myself healing, or growing or filling up with energy!"

Well, that is not what I'm talking about.

Those actions are all wonderful. They have the potential to do lot of beneficial things for you. But what matters most if you want to let your soul heal your body and in turn, your life, is not the act of praying. It's not that you've shown up to meditate every single day for the past 2 years. It's not that you call your friends every week to chat about the last episode of Ricky Lake.

What matters most is how you are doing it.

Connection, stillness, and intention setting are all great tools to assist in allowing the soul to heal the body, but none of these tools will ever be truly effective unless the practice is done with a charged emotion. If you invite, allow and transmute elevated emotions such as joy, gratitude, and love into and surrounding these practices then you will discover the secret to lasting health, longevity and abundance.

Here's an example:

A few times a year, I join a group of friends in different places throughout the world to go to conscious-living and dance festivals. While at these events, yoga and playtime are carved into the days, and dance music gets played at maximum decibels all through the night. My friends and I don't mess around. We go hard. We have fun. We nourish and create new deep connections. We try out different types of medicines. We dance until the sun rises. We sleep for a few hours at most. And then we go home.


Now, the mind (not to be confused with consciousness) would like to tell us that we are completely worn out afterward. That the body needs rest and the mind needs sleep and our lives are just a mess! And, if you listen closer, if you make it past the voice of that silly, limited mind, whose top priority is keeping this limited body safe, you will hear something else.

Underneath the chatter of the mind, underneath the dehydrated, bruised, up worn down body you will hear deep bellowing laughter. You will hear uncontrollable dancing. You will hear the pure abundance of the soul.

After these long weekends of sleepless nights, questionable medicines and 75,000 step-days, the physical body may be tired, but the unlimited soul just got set on fire! And the vital energy it can access when it swirls back into the vibration of a frequency as high as the one you've just been on is enough to heal the world.

Healing your body will be no issue at all.


Now, regular trips out into strange places with strange people to do strange things are not always available, nor are they necessary to allow this far more powerful form of healing to take place. However, what is available and recommended to anyone who would like to heal their body, and elevate their life is-recall the frequency that this type of living occurs on, and then spend more time there every day.


Throwback to good times letting the soul heal the body.

Throwback to good times letting the soul heal the body.

Again, what I'm not suggesting is that you dance the night away until your happy, or dose your next green juice with LSD, nor am I suggesting that you embrace each stranger you come across with a 2-minute-long hug to share a connection and fill your soul up.

The medicine was not the reason you could feel so deeply. The deep connection was not because it was just "accepted" in the setting, and the dancing wasn't just because the ceremonial cacao was pulsing through your veins. But, each was a tool to serve as a reminder for you to recall your natural state of being. Each time we allow ourselves to let go of a little more "life," the more opportunity we have to let LIFE back in. Each time we hear the song that makes us smile, every time we bring the face of a loved one into our hearts, and every time we play because it’s simply fun, we fill up. This is the way we allow the soul to refuel. And as it does exactly that, it raises frequencies so high that your body and any other body, mind or soul near you can heal as well.


So, what do we do?


We live with intention. We choose the vibration we wish to surround ourselves with. We are picky about our music. We hold our loved ones close and carve out the people who choose not to lift us up. We meditate when we've created space and are happy to spend time outside our busy lives, never turning a sacred practice into a burden. We heed the call of our intuition to get ourselves into the ocean, onto rocks, and into trees. We choose a default emotion like joy or gratitude to call "home," and we recognize, forgive and course-correct when we have gone too far astray.

These are the daily ways of being that are designed to fill our souls. These are the ways we show up for more than a physical body. This is how we let the soul heal and elevate our entire life.



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